May 21, 2004

Here are some cute photos of Polar getting his ultrasound treatment. He seems to really enjoy it right before his Aqua Therapy session. It helps soften up his muscles and I have been seeing some difference in his ability to bend and stretch at his joints, in particular. This boy is always smiling!!


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April 25, 2004
It has been over a month since Polar went to see the wonderful children in Mrs. Brown's class at Brecknock Elementary, but we made it there on Friday, and had a most wonderful time. The visit started with Mrs. Brown meeting us at the office to tell us about the new student in the class. Her name is Stacy, and she is a really neat little girl, as are all the students in the class. We got the information we needed and headed down to the room. As we opened the door everyone was seated in their chairs, and a huge roar went up around the room for Polar's entrance! Stacy was so excited to see him she was smiling and yelling his name.

Polar was wagging his tail and went right to the middle of the circle to lay down and get his pets and kisses and hugs from all the children. We fielded all their many questions and talked about his most recent homework assignment from his freestyle class on Monday. They wanted to know who he is in class with, and what their names are.

Then we went to the gym to work on their challenge day events that they all participate in. Polar got to participate with the children for the softball throw and shot-put. They would throw their balls and Polar would retrieve them, and bring them back to them! Polar just loves to go to the gym and play with his kids. And, the kids love to race Polar and see him do all his moves that he has learned.

Then our time was up and we had to say good bye. That is always the hardest part of the time spent with them. I hope that we can visit more often. I did remind Mrs. Brown that we will have to have a Birthday Party on May 21st for Polar, which is a Friday (his birthday is the 22nd). Hard to believe he will be 2!!

Polar also received this wonderful card from all the folks at Lancaster Generations Adult Day care center.

Front of card

Inside of card

Card signatures

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April 13, 2004
Polar also had his first Underwater Treadmill session today. He was a bit scared at first but once he figured out how it worked he seemed to really enjoy it. I am hoping that it will help him stay in shape and build muscles without putting pressure on his front end. I think it will become a weekly event. We just added it to the Veterinary hospital where I work, and we are really excited about what it can do for allot of dogs. Time will tell if it helps Polar or not.

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April 9, 2004
Here are some cute pictures of Polar on out last visit. We passed a balloon around and played games with it. Polar seemed to like to balloon up in the air, and in the one picture is trying to get to it!


This is Polar's newest buddy. His name is Ripley for now, anyway. He has been at the clinic for five days but is going to his new home tomorrow so he is very excited. Isn't he just too cute? Polar will miss him but I am sure there will be more friends to meet.


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