June 17, 2004

Here is the last day of school. All of Polar's kids are wearing the gift that Polar got them, his t-shirt from Goldstock 2003!! They can grow into them I guess. We had a great year this year, and are looking forward to next year. The children really enjoyed the shirts as well.


Take Me Back for More


May 30, 2004
Well this was our next to last visit with the kids at Brecknock elementary school for the summer. Friday June 4th will be our last visit. I am taking a personal day and we will be taking a cake and going for the visit in the morning, as the kids are only there for one-half day.

We enjoyed all the children this year and of course will miss them over the summer. Polar is pictured with them along with the balloons he sent the kids the day before they had their challenge day. They loved the balloons, and Polar hopes it gave them something to think about!

He loves his kids so much and he is always very excited to get in the room and talk to all of them, and he does talk!

I love watching them open up to him, and let him be a part of the life in the classroom. June 4th will be a sad day, but September will be right around the corner.




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May 28, 2004
On May 28th Polar and I took a road trip to Catonsville, Maryland to a place called Paradise Animal Hospital. I wanted to try to get Polar to a Aqua Therapy place that had a pool instead of an enclosed tank like the place he was going to near my home. Paradise Animal Hospital has a small pool along with a treadmill that is on a hydraulic lift so the pet stands on the treadmill and it lowers them into the pool.  No jumping in or diving is therefore necessary. They also have been doing Aqua therapy for two years so I called them to talk about Polar and his special needs!

I talked to Chris and she is the Rehab Tech who works with Dr. Burke, who is in charge of the Therapy. What a great group of people at this hospital. I was so impressed with how they took two hours to talk to me about Polar and discuss his case, work with him in the pool, and on the ground.

I would highly recommend this place to anyone considering any kind of therapy for your pet. They really know what they are doing!

I was given a bunch of things to work on with Polar, and am planning on talking to the therapy people at my work, so that they can all be on the same page for Polar. I will probably continue to take him down to Paradise as often as my work schedule will allow, since it is a two-hour drive.

Polar seemed to really enjoy his time in the pool, and also on the treadmill. Of course, he was scared at first and didn't know what was going on, but they worked with him and he seemed much more relaxed by the end of the session.

The best part about this road trip was we were going to get to meet Golden Mom Rochelle. Finally, after two years of emailing each other we could actually meet in person. Rochelle met us at the hospital and I think she can attest to how cool the place was. After his appointment we got to visit with Rochelle.

She was so excited getting to meet Polar for the first time! I got to meet Darcy and Alfie. What sweet dogs they are. They always look so wonderful in all their pictures but they are so much more special in person. We enjoyed our day immensely and are looking forward to our next visit. Rochelle is just such a special person, and I am so honored to have finally met her. Now, I am able to say that she is my friend. Polar also really liked Rochelle and is proud to have her as a friend too!


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