June 16, 2003
I am very excited as my friend Paulette Lerman, Secretary of the Golden Retriever Rescue of Michigan, has nominated Polar for the 2003 G.R.A.C.E. Award in the category of Animal-Assisted Therapy and Activities. It was the Land of PureGold's Rochelle Lesser who had enjoined Joyce Hubler, the Founder of Rescue A Golden of Arizona, to create this Award program. Recognizing the role that Golden Rescues play in improving one's health, independence and quality of life, it was Rochelle's belief that these Goldens truly embody the passion necessary to turn adversity into opportunity.

Paulette met Polar last year at Goldstock which he attended with me. This is what Paulette wrote to the Awards Committee:

"I met Polar last year at Goldstock which he attended with his foster mom, Pam Patton. He was a tiny baby puppy at that time who was completely paralyzed in his rear legs. Polar was the cutest little fluffball who had no idea that he had a problem. My three goldens and I were so fortunate to have spent a couple of nights with him in the same room! Since then I have been in touch with Pam and followed Polar’s amazing progress. I am so impressed with the way Polar has touched so many people’s lives that I feel he is truly deserving of this award.

The enclosed documents, including letters, photos, and articles, speak volumes. You will see many pictures of Polar visiting his class of disabled children in his wheelchair. It is especially heartwarming and very emotional to read about the individual children and how Polar has affected them on such a personal level. You will see how they have reached out to him as well."

Linda with Polar and Dr. Barry Harris Linda (pictured here with Dr. Barry Harris) wrote one of the letters that was included in Paulette's packet to the G.R.A.C.E. folks. It is so incredibly special.

"Polar puppy was born on May 22, 2002 as a nice happy healthy bouncing bundle of furry little joy. Quite content with his life of eating, sleeping and playing with his brothers and sisters, he did not notice that his hind legs were not working up to par. However his two-legged Mom did and with concern brought him to our veterinary clinic. After a thorough exam and x-rays which didn't give a hint of any problem, Polar went back home to romp with his siblings once again.

By seven weeks of age it was obvious this little guy wasn't getting up on those hind legs at all. During this time his Mom was conversing with Pam, our receptionist and an avid lover of all golden retrievers, who has fostered many and adopted three. Offering to foster him and see what she could do came rather easily to her. Of course Polar played a small part in this decision. Not just that he was a golden or a furry little puppy or even because he was crippled, for in his mind he was perfectly normal. It was his happy-go-lucky, lets-play, I-want-to-make-you-smile-kind of attitude.

That wonderful attitude has seen him through many trips to different hospitals for various diagnostic work-ups. GRRI-NJ was the kind, caring and generous benefactor of those many hazy, painful and scary times of this happy little puppy's life. Unfortunately all those tests and procedures were inconclusive. Medically we can only speculate. Our friend Polar, however, has his own lessons to teach us. And with a smile, he does!

Because his legs stopped working did not mean time stood still for Polar. His first lesson was oh sooo funny! GRRI-NJ, once again with their generosity, put Polar in his first set of wheels. And off he went!!!! Lesson to Pam~~invest in a leash! In Polar's mind there was and is nothing wrong with him. But those wheels were great!!!! "Just see how fast I can go now!"

His next lesson was so mindless to him but caused great anxiety for Pam and myself and his other loving friends and relatives. Where would his forever home be? Who would be his Mom and Dad? Polar had no question on the matter for he already knew the answer. It just takes us two-leggeds more time to process (sometimes useless) information. After many applications, thoughts of flights to foreign places and never seeing him again, floods of tears and sadness . . . . . HEY! We got it!!! You're already in your forever home!!! And Polar smiles knowing there is hope for us yet!

But his lessons are not yet finished for we haven't gotten the most important one. At least the one most important to him. He feels the need to dedicate his life to the children of special needs. With the help of his Mom, he currently visits a school almost weekly where he has made many special friends. He has helped them to overcome their fears. To open up and talk with him, play games, read books and give big hugs. To borrow a saying (although I don't know the author), he teaches them:

     You look at me like I'm different.
     I look at you like you're all the same.

He wants to teach love, compassion, honesty. He wants to teach laughter and fun. He wants to teach difference is the same. As he has just celebrated his first birthday with this particular group of children, he is looking for many more happy birthdays helping lots more special little people!

This brings me to my conclusion and to my confession. I am Linda, the certified veterinarian technician of our clinic, who tried to steel her heart from this little boy. With my many years of practice, I feel sometimes it is slightly easier to say good bye to my furry friends from an emotional step back by being only their nurse rather than where my heart truly wants to be, right there beside them. With my every backward step, Polar took one forward. I suppose you can all guess who won this battle! You got it! Wrapped around his little paw I am! He has taught me to keep my 'paws' planted firmly on the ground beside my furry friends and let my heart beat in rhythm with theirs. This is my lesson from Polar! And he doesn't stop there! When the emotions start to build up, I just call out and ask his Mom if he can write to me. Guaranteed there is nothing like a pick-me-up from a perfectly written letter from Polar!

Smile, love and laugh . . . Hey Big Guy . . . teach us how as only you can do."




And, here is Golden Polar's very own self-nomination letter . . .

(which he sat down and wrote after giving up on his dad sharing any of that delicious cake with him!)







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